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The Return of the Bond Market : Income and Capital Preservation
Financial Market Reviews - 14.04.2023
Dr  M Azzopardi , Partner and Director at JMFA and  Gabriel Mansueto , Head of Institutional Clients discuss the performance of bond markets over the past year and a half. Dr Azzopardi shares his outlook for the asset class, as bond returns are back to attractive levels. He also delves deep into how he and his team are... Read More

The European Existential Crisis: A Long-term Opportunity?
Merill SICAV - 26.04.2023
Europe seems to be going through what could be described as an existential crisis, but this could offer a long-term opportunity for  #investors . Inevitable questions arise with regards to the future of  Europe , and whether  Macron  's vision for the region can ever materialise. Marc Ellazidi , CIO at JMFA and... Read More