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Finding Opportunity in Europe's Existential Crisis
Financial Market Reviews - 8.05.2023
Embracing Europe's Role in a Multipolar World: Uncovering Investment Potential Marc Ellazidi, CIO at Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors, delves into opportunities arising from Europe's unique position amidst global power dynamics, with a focus on the growing influence of the Chinese market. You can find the full conversation... Read More

Tech Resilience: Weathering the Black Swan Storm
Merill SICAV - 31.05.2023
The term ' Black Swan Events ' refers to rare unpredictable events with serious consequences. Looking at the past few years, one can observe the increased frequency of events such as Covid-19, the Ukraine conflict and the banking crisis. Marc Ellazidi, CIO at JMFA and Yannick Pace, Journalist look at how to dissect between tech stocks... Read More