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The AI Race: Semiconductors in the Spotlight
Merill SICAV - 16.06.2023
Last month, chipmaker NVIDIA joined a small group of companies with a valuation of $1 trillion, on the back of unprecedented earnings guidance driven by the recent AI boom.  In our latest Merill Talks epsiode Marc El-lazidi, CIO at JMFA and journalist Yannick Pace, discuss the race to AI supermacy and the winners and losers in the... Read More

The Land of Rising Stocks: Warren Buffett's bet on Japan
Merill SICAV - 29.06.2023
The Japanese stock market has recently been undergoing a resurgence, boosted by Warren Buffett’s investments and the subsequent high-profile trip to the country. Structural changes in the shareholders’ approach could redefine its market and offer significant long-term opportunities for foreign investors looking for value investments. In... Read More