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Merill Funds made available to customers online
Merill SICAV - 29.06.2020
Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Limited (JMFA), as manager of Merill SICAV p.l.c. (Merill Funds) is pleased to announce the launch of the new online platform for its range of Merill Funds. This portal was created specifically keeping in mind customers’ needs and especially to give them the opportunity to invest in these funds online, from the... Read More

Merill SICAV plc celebrates three years success of two sub-funds
Merill SICAV - 3.06.2020
Merill Funds, which is managed by Jesmond Mizzi Financial Advisors Ltd (JMFA), is celebrating three years of success from the launch of two of its sub-funds: Merill Global Equity Income Fund (MGEIF) and Merill High Income Fund (MHIF).   These two sub-funds were launched in April 2017, with the aim of generating long-term growth and income... Read More